Your cooling system is what keeps your car from a catastrophic failure. If your engine didn’t have some way to cool off, it would turn into a frozen block of metal . The purpose of the cooling system is to take heat away from the engine. Lack of cooling can cause catastrophic short term problems and engine failures. It can also cause long term damage to the engine. You need to have a full capacity of fresh coolant moving efficiently through the engine to avoid short term and long term problems.
Taskers repairs and maintains your vehicle air conditioning and climate control
The climate control works much like your air conditioner, refrigerator, or aerosol can.
Vapor is condensed into a liquid under high pressure. An expansion valve releases the liquid into a larger volume. As the liquid to vapor expands, the volume increases, the pressure decreases, and heat is absorbed. The vapor feels cool. This cools the air flowing into your vehicle. The expanded air coolant is then compressed and condensed back into a liquid. This is a continuous process.
In order to be effective your climate control or air conditioning sysytem needs to be filled to the proper level with coolant and maintain the proper pressures throughout the system. If there are any leaks you can lose coolant and/or lose pressure.
Taskers Automotive can check your air conditioning system to make sure the vehicle’s system has the proper system pressure and liquid volume.